Information for Grandparent Participants

Rockabye baby…Infant care and parenting around sleep


Sleeping like a baby?  Sounds simple, except when it is not.  Infant sleep is one of the most challenging and controversial topics for families and the professionals who try to support them.  Opinions are varied, and often strongly held.

This project is about how parents and caregivers of infants (under age two) manage nighttime sleep—what they think, what they’ve tried, and what has worked and not worked for them.  We are also interested in how families interact around this topic—how grandparents decide how and when to give advice, how much they agree, or agree to disagree, or just disagree, with their adult children about how to manage sleep.  We would like to hear your thoughts and experiences in an online survey that asks about parenting practices, beliefs, and feelings around sleep and infant care.   The survey takes about 15-20 minutes to complete.  If you have a grandchild who is between two months and two years old, we would love to hear from you.

The survey is completely voluntary—you don’t need to answer any or all of the questions, and can stop at any time.  It is also anonymous—we will not ask for your name during the survey, and completing the survey will serve as consent, so that you do not need to sign any forms.  If you would like a summary of results, there will be a chance at the end to request this, but your contact information will not be associated with your survey responses. 

We may also be doing some interviews with grandparents to talk with them about their thoughts and experiences; if you are interested in participating in an interview, you can sign up for more information about it in the separate link at the end of the study. 

It would be especially helpful to us if we can have the perspectives of you and your grandchild’s parent—so if you are willing to forward a link to them, we’d really appreciate it.  They are under no obligation to do the survey, and even if we can’t match your data with your family member’s, your input is still valuable. 
This study has been reviewed and approved by the University of Waikato School of Psychology Ethics Committee.  If you have any questions or concerns about your rights as a participant in this research study, you can contact the chair of that committee, Rebecca Sargisson (phone 07 557 8673, email: 

If you have any questions about the study, please feel free to contact Carrie Barber (837 9221;

Thank you for considering participating in this project!

Here is the link to send to the parent of your grandchild (it leads to information like this for parents):

To go to the Grandparent survey, click on this link